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4 comments so far

BB - 2003-04-30 15:59:59
Ah-ah! I think that title is the most stupid one I've come up with so far, because everyone knows that this is a flower. Ah-ah!
komachi - 2003-04-30 18:23:38
lol! That's a flower, alright;) Pretty one too. That isn't Oleander, is it? Wonder what it is...
BB - 2003-04-30 19:47:56
I have no idea! Apart from roses, daisies, bougainvillea and hibiscuses (pl.?), I don't know anything about flowers, except that some smell nice and look pretty! :)
Didi - 2003-05-06 11:39:08
Looks a lot like oleander to me!

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