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Pithiviers. France.

5 comments so far

nathan adler - 2004-04-29 02:57:50
un flottant! merci bonne balade mon amour p
silver - 2004-04-30 00:26:32
beautiful picture!
nathan adler - 2004-04-30 04:07:17
un flottant = un pithiviers glac� tout se resume a: 1 le groupe des amateurs de Pithiviers flottant 2 le groupe des amateurs de Pithiviers (gallette) voila le vraie sens de la vie love P
BB - 2004-04-30 04:16:15
O.K, let me explain Nathan's latest entry because the guy may appear to you a bit obscure (plus: he's too lazy to speak english). Pithiviers is the name of a town in the center of France whose culinary specialty is a cake named... ta-da! the Pithiviers. There are two sorts of Pithiviers: The Pithiviers Fondant (and not The Pithiviers Flottant - Nathan works far too much, his poor brain is really tired) and the real one, simply called The Pithiviers. Hence two groups of amateurs quarelling over and over again about which is the best. I for my part much prefer the real Pithiviers. Nathan obviously prefers the Fondant. Pff... loser!
Lillie - 2004-04-30 06:43:13
Gorgeous picture. It must be beautiful to live there. <3�Lillie�

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