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mmat - 2003-01-29 13:53:52
that is the coolest picture i have ever seen.
Catya - 2003-01-29 18:16:44
cindie-loo - 2003-01-29 21:34:14
hahahahaha i had to convince myself that those are real elephants. hahahahah. you kill me
BB - 2003-01-30 10:55:13
That's funny because every time I show this photo to people, they ask me if they are real elephants. Well, they are!
Didi - 2003-01-31 13:27:52
That's one picture that I really dig!
Paige - 2003-04-19 20:39:43
Holy moly! Everytime I saw that picture in your diary I assumed it was fake. Hee! I'm so jealous of your life.... take me with you next time! :)

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