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Leah - 2003-02-23 01:40:17
Those pics are very beautiful.
ilonina - 2003-03-15 07:39:37
Thanks for the evocative Scotland photos. I spent a year in Glasgow and your pics capture the most gorgeous aspects of the place. Have to go back...
Narmo - 2003-03-15 12:08:37
Your pictures are beautiful! ^_^ I spent two weeks in Scotland this summer, but was *very* ill the entire trip. Your pictures reminded of what little I saw. Nice ... ^_^
Lynne - 2004-08-21 04:10:34
Hey, just dropped via a Diaryland banner. I'm a Scottish lass myself and thought your pics have done justice to the scenery here. I could point you to some really beautiful places that most tourists don't know about though! If you're ever here again that is. I know my country like the back of my hand because I've travelled about it in so much. It's my favourite place in all the world. Lucky me. Anyway. Great diary. Take care.

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