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komachi - 2003-05-04 17:27:06
So peacefull. I don't know what it is about that part of Europe that so appeal to me...I just love the feelings I get looking at pictures of England, Scottland, Ireland.
BB - 2003-05-04 17:49:13
Yes, I agree with you. The atmosphere in Great-Britain is so particular... I love it. I want to go back there so badly!
Paige - 2003-05-04 18:08:31
Beautiful. Where is that exactly?
BB - 2003-05-04 18:35:30
That's Cromer, a little town in North Norfolk, England.
Kathie - 2003-05-06 12:57:02
Home Sweet Home - I get homesick just looking at it!!

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