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BB - 2003-05-06 20:33:10
Kitty (aka Mimine) died last week. I thought I would get to see her in July, like every summer. But this time I won't. Sniff sniff.
Paige - 2003-05-06 20:48:26
Aw, she's sooo pretty. I'm sorry, BB.
Jessica - 2003-05-06 21:45:19
Meeee - owwwww
komachi - 2003-05-06 21:54:52
I am sorry to hear that:( She sure was a pretty kitty.
lklittle - 2003-05-06 22:09:03
:( It is such a sad thing to let such a beautiful creature go into the ground. But just think, kitty heavan.
catzi - 2003-05-07 13:34:07
Aw, pretty kitty. I'm sorry she died. She looks a lot like my Ash cat. >^..^<
BB - 2003-05-07 16:59:13
Thank you guys for the kind comments. I'm quite touched by it.
Annette - 2003-06-09 11:47:25
Aww, that's so sad. She was so cute. *Loves cats*

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